SolarVis CEO Samet Yıldırım Participates in the Green Transformation Summit for SMEs


Last week, SolarVis CEO Samet Yıldırım attended the “Green Transformation Summit for SMEs” organization held in Ankara at the invitation of Akbank.

Last week, solarVis CEO Samet Yıldırım attended the "Green Transformation Summit for SMEs" organized by Akbank in Ankara.

At this important event, we shared valuable insights on how our software solutions for the sustainable energy sector can contribute to SMEs. As SolarVis, we aim to support SMEs in their green transformation processes with our innovative solutions for the digitalization and effective management of solar energy projects.

The summit focused on the challenges and opportunities SMEs face in green transformation. We discussed the best practices and strategies for energy efficiency and sustainability with the participants. Akbank's support for SMEs through such events makes a significant difference in the green transformation process.

As SolarVis, we are proud to be by the side of SMEs. The new business collaboration opportunities we gained at this summit guide us in continuously developing our platform. The digitalization of solar energy projects helps SMEs reduce their energy costs and achieve their sustainability goals.

We were very pleased to be part of this event and thank Akbank for their invitation. As SolarVis, we will continue to support digital transformation and offer innovative solutions with our software solutions for the energy sector.

For more information and a detailed review of solarVis's innovative solutions, you can visit the solarVis website.

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