SolarVis Co-Founder Samet Yıldırım Attended Türkiye İş Bankası’s “100 SMEs’ Twin Transformation Journey” Launch


Samet Yıldırım attended the launch of the “100 SMEs’ Twin Transformation Journey” project by our business partner, Türkiye İş Bankası, upon their invitation.

Samet Yıldırım attended the launch of the "100 SMEs' Twin Transformation Journey" project, invited by our partner Türkiye İş Bankası. This significant project aims to provide selected 100 industrialists with specialized training, roadmap design, and implementation on digital and green transformation in collaboration with Türkiye İş Bankası and MEXT.

During the launch, MEXT's demo tour at the Digital Factory, including Industry 4.0 elements, was quite impressive. This demo clearly showed how digitalization can be integrated into the industry.

Considering the impact of exports on competitive strength and the border carbon regulation, it is essential to address these transformations at the macro level and conduct detailed studies at the micro level. As SolarVis, we are aware of the benefits this transformation process will bring to SMEs and are pleased with the support given to this project.

Throughout the launch, Samet Yıldırım closely examined the innovative training programs and digital transformation strategies involved in the project, evaluating solarVis's contributions and future collaborations in this area. As SolarVis, we will continue to support industrialists with our software solutions for the sustainable energy sector.

Achieving the targeted successes in this project will enhance the global competitiveness of our country's industrial sector and contribute to digital transformation processes. We at solarVis are ready to play our role in this process.

See you soon!

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