SolarVis Discusses Sustainable Energy Financing with Koç Group Subsidiaries Arçelik Türkiye and Yapı Kredi


Last week, as solarVis, we had a productive discussion about our software solutions for the sustainable energy sector with the executives of Koç Group’s valuable subsidiaries, Arçelik Türkiye and Yapı Kredi.

Last week, as solarVis, we had a productive conversation with the managers of Arçelik Türkiye and Yapı Kredi, valuable affiliates of Koç Group, about our software solutions for the sustainable energy sector. During our meeting, we focused on the digital solutions and financing strategies we can offer in this field.

We emphasized how the innovative solutions provided by the solarVis platform can be effectively used in the financing of sustainable energy projects. During the meeting, we discussed in detail the role of our platform in accelerating energy projects and optimizing financial processes.

In this meeting with the leaders of Koç Group's prominent affiliates, Arçelik Türkiye and Yapı Kredi, we had the opportunity to share insights about our solarVis digital solution. We highlighted the inevitability of digitalization in the energy sector and discussed solarVis's solutions in this transformation.

Our meeting not only strengthened our existing collaboration but also laid a significant foundation for future joint projects.

We thank the valuable managers of Arçelik Türkiye and Yapı Kredi for their participation and contributions.

For more information and a detailed review of solarVis's innovative solutions, you can visit the solarVis website.

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