METU Alumni Association Energy Commission Hosts Justin Friedman from the U.S. Department of State


The METU Alumni Association Energy Commission hosted Justin Friedman from the U.S. Department of State and his delegation this week.

The Energy Commission of the METU Alumni Association hosted Justin Friedman from the U.S. Department of State and his team this week. SolarVis CEO Samet Yıldırım attended this important meeting, discussing activities related to small modular reactors (SMRs) and their applicability in Turkey.

SolarVis CEO Samet Yıldırım closely examined activities related to the applicability of SMRs worldwide and in Turkey during the meeting. Justin Friedman shared valuable insights about the future and potential benefits of SMR technology. This meeting was very productive in terms of innovative solutions and cooperation opportunities in the energy sector.

Justin Friedman and his team shared valuable information about their work on SMRs. This meeting provided an excellent opportunity to discuss innovations in the energy sector and software solutions for the sustainable energy sector. Yıldırım thanked the U.S. Embassy and those who made this meeting possible, including Tevfik İlter Cambazoğlu and Serdar Çetinkaya.

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