Project Management and Energy Sector Trainings Organized for SolarVis Employees


SolarVis organized in-house training for its employees to contribute to their development and increase their sector knowledge.

SolarVis organized in-house training sessions to contribute to the development of its employees and increase their sector knowledge. The event included training sessions on Project Management, Energy Sector, and Solar Energy.

Project Management Training

In this training provided by expert trainers in the field of project management, participants were given the basic knowledge required to plan, manage, and successfully complete projects. The critical stages of project management and strategic planning topics were discussed in detail.

Energy Sector Training

In this training on general information and current trends in the energy sector, the dynamics of energy markets, the importance of renewable energy sources, and future energy policies were discussed. Participants gained valuable information about innovations and developments in the sector.

Solar Energy Training

In this training, which covered the technical and commercial aspects of solar energy, comprehensive information was provided on the installation, operation, and maintenance of solar energy systems. Additionally, detailed information was given on the sustainability and environmental contributions of solar energy.

By supporting the continuous development of its employees, SolarVis aims to keep sector knowledge up to date and increase efficiency in business processes. With such training, both personal development of employees is supported, and the overall performance of the company is positively affected.

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