SolarVis CEO Samet Yıldırım Emphasizes the Importance of Solar Energy Spread at SolarVision 2021


At the Solarvision 2021 event, SolarVis CEO Samet Yıldırım highlighted the importance of the widespread adoption of solar energy and the steps that policymakers, DSO’s, EPC firms, and financial providers need to take for this to happen.

At the Solarvison 2021 event, solarVis CEO Samet Yıldırım emphasized the importance of spreading solar energy widely and outlined the steps that lawmakers, EDAŞ, EPC companies, and financiers should take to achieve this.

Samet Yıldırım detailed the critical role of software solutions for the solar energy sector in digital transformation and explained solarVis's innovative approach in this area. Additionally, an online demo was conducted at the İzmir Architecture Center, where the event was held, and a solar power plant preliminary feasibility report was generated in 2 minutes. This demo once again demonstrated the fast and effective solutions offered by solarVis in the sector.

Samet Yıldırım stressed the importance of collaboration among lawmakers, EDAŞ, EPC companies, and financiers to make solar energy more widespread. He stated that taking these steps would make it possible to bring solar energy to wider audiences and accelerate sector growth.

Thank you to all participants who were with us at the Solarvison 2021 event.

For more information and a detailed review of solarVis's innovative solutions, you can visit the solarVis website.

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