SolarVis Co-Founder and CEO Samet Yıldırım Appears on Ekotürk TV's "Investment Route" Program


SolarVis co-founder and CEO Samet Yıldırım answered Ziya Çiçek's questions on the “Investment Route” program broadcast on Ekotürk TV.

SolarVis Co-Founder and CEO Samet Yıldırım answered Ziya Çiçek's questions in the "Investment Route" program to be broadcast on Ekotürk TV. In the program, solarVis's innovative projects, developments in the solar energy sector, and future strategies were discussed.

Samet Yıldırım provided detailed information about solarVis's vision and mission during the program. He also touched on the efficiency increases achieved through digitalization and innovative solutions in the solar energy sector.

Emphasizing solarVis's leadership goals in software solutions for the sustainable energy sector and digitalization, Samet Yıldırım shared the company's plans for the future. The information provided in the program offered valuable insights for professionals and investors in the sector.

For more information about SolarVis's innovative solutions and contributions to solar energy projects, you can visit the solarVis Sales Engine page.

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